Mesh commands

"Optional title"
coid, pid, N${}_1$, N${}_2$, N${}_3$, csysid
$x_1$, $y_1$, $z_1$, $x_2$, $y_2$, $z_2$
$x_3$, $y_3$, $z_3$, $x_4$, $y_4$, $z_4$
$x_5$, $y_5$, $z_5$, $x_6$, $y_6$, $z_6$
$x_7$, $y_7$, $z_7$, $x_8$, $y_8$, $z_8$
id1, $x_{id1}$, $y_{id1}$, $z_{id1}$, id2, $x_{id2}$, $y_{id2}$, $z_{id2}$
idm, $x_{idm}$, $y_{idm}$, $z_{idm}$, idn, $x_{idn}$, $y_{idn}$, $z_{idn}$

Parameter definition

Component ID
Part ID
Number of elements in 1-direction
Number of elements in 2-direction
Number of elements in 3-direction
Local coordinate system ID
default: global coordinates are used
$x_1$, $y_1$, $z_1$, $x_2$, $y_2$, $z_2$
Box corner coordinates 1 and 2
$x_3$, $y_3$, $z_3$, $x_4$, $y_4$, $z_4$
Box corner coordinates 3 and 4
$x_5$, $y_5$, $z_5$, $x_6$, $y_6$, $z_6$
Box corner coordinates 5 and 6
$x_7$, $y_7$, $z_7$, $x_8$, $y_8$, $z_8$
Box corner coordinates 7 and 8
Optional mid-side edge coordinate ID
$x_{id1}$, $y_{id1}$, $z_{id1}$
Mid-side edge coordinate
Optional mid-side edge coordinate ID
$x_{id2}$, $y_{id2}$, $z_{id2}$
Mid-side edge coordinate
Optional mid-side edge coordinate ID
$x_{idm}$, $y_{idm}$, $z_{idm}$
Mid-side edge coordinate
Optional mid-side edge coordinate ID
$x_{idn}$, $y_{idn}$, $z_{idn}$
Mid-side edge coordinate


This command is used to define an irregular box with part ID pid. If the box edges are straight (tri-linear interpolation) only eight corner coordinates need to be defined.

The mid-side edge coordinates (optional) provide a flexibility to define curved box faces (quadratic). A straight line is assumed for the box edges where the mid-side coordinates are not explicitly defined.

Coordinates defining the shape of an irregular box
Coordinates defining the shape of an irregular box


Tri-linear irregular box component

A tri-linear shape can be created by only defining the box corner coordinates.

*PARAMETER x1 = 0 y1 = 0 z1 = 0 x2 = 0.3 y2 = 0 z2 = 0 x3 = 1 y3 = 1 z3 = 0 x4 = 0 y4 = 1 z4 = 0 x5 = 0 y5 = 0 z5 = 1 x6 = 0.3 y6 = 0 z6 = 1 x7 = 0.3 y7 = 0.3 z7 = 1 x8 = 0 y8 = 0.3 z8 = 1 N1 = 2 N2 = 3 N3 = 4 *COMPONENT_BOX_IRREGULAR "irregular box" 1, 1, [%N1], [%N2], [%N3] [%x1], [%y1], [%z1], [%x2], [%y2], [%z2] [%x3], [%y3], [%z3], [%x4], [%y4], [%z4] [%x5], [%y5], [%z5], [%x6], [%y6], [%z6] [%x7], [%y7], [%z7], [%x8], [%y8], [%z8] *END
Tri-linear irregular box
Tri-linear irregular box
Irregular box component with curved surface

The box corner coordinates are complemented with two mid-side edge coordinates.

*PARAMETER x1 = 0 y1 = 0 z1 = 0 x2 = 0.3 y2 = 0 z2 = 0 x3 = 1 y3 = 1 z3 = 0 x4 = 0 y4 = 1 z4 = 0 x5 = 0 y5 = 0 z5 = 1 x6 = 0.3 y6 = 0 z6 = 1 x7 = 0.3 y7 = 0.3 z7 = 1 x8 = 0 y8 = 0.3 z8 = 1 x17 = 0.05 y17 = 0 z17 = 0.5 x20 = 0.05 y20 = 0.65 z20 = 0.5 N1 = 2 N2 = 3 N3 = 6 *COMPONENT_BOX_IRREGULAR "irregular box" 1, 1, [%N1], [%N2], [%N3] [%x1], [%y1], [%z1], [%x2], [%y2], [%z2] [%x3], [%y3], [%z3], [%x4], [%y4], [%z4] [%x5], [%y5], [%z5], [%x6], [%y6], [%z6] [%x7], [%y7], [%z7], [%x8], [%y8], [%z8] 17, [%x17], [%y17], [%z17], 20, [%x20], [%y20], [%z20] *END
Irregular box with curved surface
Irregular box with curved surface