Initial conditions

coid, entype, enid, fid, multi

Parameter definition

Command ID
Entity type
options: P, PS, G, ALL
Entity ID
ID of FUNCTION defining the effective plastic strain as function of $(x,y,z)$
Treatment of multiple commands
0 $\rightarrow$ plastic strains from previous commands are overwritten
1 $\rightarrow$ plastic strains from multiple commands are superposed


This command is used to prescribe or add initial plastic strains to elements.


Multiple initial plastic strains

Two bars are given initial plastic strains. The plastic strains are assigned with two linearly increasing functions along their lengths. The first function goes from 0 to 0.05 and the second function goes from 0 to 0.10.

The option multi is set to 0 (plastic strains from previous commands are overwritten) for bar 1 and set to 1 (plastic strains from multiple commands are superposed) for bar 2.

*UNIT_SYSTEM SI *PARAMETER %L = 1.0, "Length of bar" %T = 0.05, "Thickness of bar" %epsp = 0.05, "First applied plastic strain" %epsp_2 = 0.1, "Second applied plastic strain" %tend = 0.001, "Termination time" # # --- TIME and OUTPUT --- # *TIME [%tend] *OUTPUT [%tend] # # --- MESH --- # *COMPONENT_BOX 1, 1, 50, 1, 1 0, [-%T/2], [-%T/2], [%L], [%T/2], [%T/2] *COMPONENT_BOX 2, 2, 50, 1, 1 0, [2*%T+%T/2], [-%T/2], [%L], [%T+%T/2], [%T/2] *CHANGE_P-ORDER ALL, 0, 3 *MAT_METAL 1, 7800, 210e9, 0.3 1 *FUNCTION 1 100e6 *PART 1, 1 2, 1 # # --- FIRST INITIAL CONDITIONS --- # *INITIAL_PLASTIC_STRAIN_FUNCTION 1, P, 1, 101, 0 *INITIAL_PLASTIC_STRAIN_FUNCTION 2, P, 2, 101, 0 *FUNCTION 101 %epsp*(X/%L) # # --- SECOND INITIAL CONDITIONS --- # *INITIAL_PLASTIC_STRAIN_FUNCTION 3, P, 1, 102, 0 *INITIAL_PLASTIC_STRAIN_FUNCTION 4, P, 2, 102, 1 *FUNCTION 102 %epsp_2*(X/%L) *END