Impetus Engine module

Impetus Engine module

The impetus module is a built-in module which allows one to extract more data from the simulation, such as curve, table and path data.


This is a built-in module in IMPETUS Solver Engine. It should not be mixed up with the external IMPETUS Python API (with the same name). The latter one is designed to work standalone. It contains post-processing capabilities such as data extraction.

Module Contents

variable = impetus.curve( curve_id , abscissa )
Returns the ordinate value of abscissa in the defined curve_id.
See the command *CURVE for more information.
variable = impetus.table( table_id , row , col )
Returns the table value of row and col in table table_id.
See the command *TABLE for more information.
variable = impetus.path( path_id , pos , relative )
Returns the coordinate of pos in path_id. The return variable is a 3-component long list (x = variable[0], y = variable[1], z = variable[2]). Variable relative defines if the pos value is relative (1) or absolute (0). If relative is set to 1, then pos will correspond to the relative position between 0 and 1 in the path. If the pos value exceeds the upper limit of the path, the return value will be extrapolated.
See the command *PATH for more information.


Python script:
# Import the impetus engine module
import impetus

# Curve example
def curve_example(curve_id, abscissa):
    value = impetus.curve(int(curve_id), abscissa)
    print("Value:", value, flush=True)
    # The printed value should be "5"

# Table example
def table_example(table_id, row, col):
    value = impetus.table(int(table_id), int(row), int(col))
    print("Value:", value, flush=True)
    # The printed value should be "4.7"

# Path example (using relative position)
def path_example(path_id, pos):
    coordinate = impetus.path(int(path_id), pos, 1)
    print("x:", coordinate[0], flush=True)
    print("y:", coordinate[1], flush=True)
    print("z:", coordinate[2], flush=True)
    # The printed value should be:
    #    "x = 0.1622625066423805"
    #    "y = 0.1377374933576195"
    #    "z = -0.011312533211902509"
# Adding the python file to our input file *SCRIPT_PYTHON # Calling python function curve_example() *FUNCTION 1000 script.curve_example(1, 5.0e-7) # Calling python function table_example() *FUNCTION 1001 script.table_example(100, 3, 1) # Calling python function path_example() *FUNCTION 1002 script.path_example(1234, 0.3) *CURVE 1 0, 0 1.0e-6, 10.0 1.0, 10.0 *TABLE 100, 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 1.2, 3.4, 5.5 4.7, 2.2, 6.2 8.0, 1.1, 9.2 *PATH 1234 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 0.2, 0.1, -0.2 0.0, 1.0, -0.2 -0.1, 1.0, 0.3